My little Phono-Museum

I invite for a little round trip in my virtual museum

Four exibition rooms;:

1. Gramophones
2. Phonographs
3. Shellac-records
4. Cylinder-records

All things in this site belongs to me. That meanes also, that the exibition is not complete.
I had a lot of fun, while making the museum.
Please enjoy a rount trip.
The following information is in german, but the pictures and sound examples can speak for itself





A good history of german records and technical equipment is
"Archiphon" von Werner Unger A good summary, but only in german.
My literature about my hobby:
Books (german).

My real "museum" is located in a small roof chamber.

In the back a piles of records, safe stored in wooden chests.
A lot of gramophones an phonographs are spred in the room.
The cair servs me for listening my records

another view

english start page