My record studio

Here I sit to bring my records on CD or to place them on the Internet.

My recording studio

The record player above the computer is a "Ziphona" from former GDR-production
It is important, to use a special needle for shellack records.. A "normal" micro rim needle causes a strong noise while playin a record.
The needles  for shellac records a available in special shops for all main brands of record plaers.
I use as a software in order to take the audio files the "Audiograbber", as well to equal the volume. This was it!
The "Windows Audio recorder" also procures converting in the format MP3 for me.

In the meantime I have already filled three CD's with 25 titles.
Nevertheless, so I arrive to hear more frequently my records.
If, however, a CD is filled, one has already quite often belonged the titles...

My first expirience to listen shellacs and make recordings  of them:
(the most better way is described above !)

The big record player in the front part of the picture is an own building.
For it I have gathered the parts in my childhood.
I wanted to use the engine originally for a telescope driver, I had found the turntable and a beautiful gramophone funnel on a garbage dump (where one has himself so in the infancy rumbled...) and the tone-arm a similar origin has. Sometime I had also found a broken feather engine and some sound box. Then I could make a wood chest to build a horn gramophone to me. However, then the thing failed because of the attachment of the funnel in the chest, in a substitute-feather for the engine and, finally, the adult life gave to the whole thing the rest

Some weeks ago, when I started to cover up my records, I found out that degrees showed the oldest an extreme rushing and crackling on my record player. Certainly, my suitcase gramophone and the table gramophone could return the records better, but the recording method was too complicated

There the old tone-arm fell in to me! I had tried last year in vain to bring these technical fragments about ebay to the man or the woman - now it should turn out happy chance.
The engine was to be moved with oil and some patience as the even run, the wood chests found again and correspondingly altered. However, the tone-arm was the biggest problem. The inlets broken, almost all screws tight rusty, partly in the Bakelite-housing and whether the coil was all right, I also did not know.
With oil I could solve the screws, fix the coil with wax and a new cable produced the connection with the mixer. I held the tone arm freehandedly overt the record, first only croaking. Then the real work consisted more exactly in exploring the construction and in damping, finally, all vibrations in the tone-arm so that a useful sound was the result.

from the " Mittenwalder gramophone factory"

The thing has been worthwhile. With a lot of records the rushing much clearer is suppressed, as if I reduced only the heights with the "normal" record player. I renounce a software in order to reduce of sounds, however, consciously - I think that with it a part of the special sound of a shellac record got lost.
But the consumption of gramophone needles rises rapidly upwards.

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